#WeekendWisdom 097 Record Number of Zero Days

Welcome to #WeekendWisdom number 97. This week we’re going to talk about record number of zero days.

More on Zero Days?

In last week’s #WeekendWisdom number 96, I explained what a zero day was. The reason I brought up this topic in the first place was because, as at that date, 2021 had already become a year where there was a record number of zero days being detected.

How is it a record number of zero days?

The number that was reported then was like 66 zero days:

  • 20 were associated with Microsoft products
  • 15 zero days were associated with Apple products, which people think Apple is the most secure platform … maybe not
  • Google had 11 zero days

So previous years there might have been 40 or 50 zero days detected in the whole year. But here we are still in September and we’ve already blown through those records.

Even in just the last week since I recorded the last #WeekendWisdom, there have been four more zero days detected. Three of them associated with Apple products and one with Google Chrome.

So this really is turning out to be a year of the zero days. They really are happening a lot.

How do you protect yourself

So please folks be sure that you put in place good robust patching process to make sure you keep all your software up to date as early as possible. Also do things like keep your backups, do good backups, test the backups to make sure that you can recover from those backups and also make sure you train your staff. But keep your software patched.

So that’s it for this week. Lets be careful out there and we’ll talk to you again next week.

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Contact us for more information at info@L2CyberSecurity.com.

*With appropriate social distancing and other health and safety measures adhered to.

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