#WeekendWisdom 094 How to remove Internet Explorer

Welcome to #WeekendWisdom number 94. This week we’re going to talk about how to remove Internet Explorer.

Why would you want to do this?

Microsoft are going to retire the Internet Explorer browser in June of 2022. But you might want to consider getting rid of it at bit sooner … like now. You see there is a vulnerability in it that can be exploited by somebody sending you a malicious word document. That all you have to do is open the document. You don’t need to take any other action, like click enable content or any other thing. Opening the document will exploit this vulnerability and cause malicious code to be run on your computer.

Check if you should first

Now before you take any of these steps, please check with your IT support that you really don’t need to use Internet Explorer anymore or that you’re allowed to remove it. So please check first.

How to remove Internet Explorer

This is how you get rid of it.

  1. Go down to the bottom left hand corner and click the start button and select settings.
  2. Click Apps.
  3. Then click Optional features.
  4. Find Internet Explorer, click on it and click uninstall.
  5. Then when you see this thing and it’s finished, reboot your computer.

Once it comes back up again, you should be safe.

What if you need Internet Explorer?

If you really do need to use Internet Explorer for some legacy application or something like that, there is an Internet Explorer mode in the Microsoft Edge browser. Google that and find out how you can use that mode.

So that’s it for this week. Lets be careful out there and we’ll talk to you again next week.

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