#WeekendWisdom 004 Firewall


Welcome to #WeekendWisdom number 4. This week we are going to talk about what a firewall is.

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#WeekendWisdom 003 Updates


Welcome to #WeekendWisdom number 3. This week we are going to talk about Updates.

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#WeekendWisdom 001 Inventory


Welcome to #WeekendWisdom number 1. This will be a new weekly series of short one to two minute videos where I will be providing some advice on a particular Cyber Security topic.

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Right To Be Informed

right to be informed

This page lists all of the various categories of personal data that L2 Cyber Security Solutions process and provides a downloadable PDF containing the required right to be informed information.

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First Annual Report from the DPC

first annual report

The first annual report from the Data Protection Commission, under the auspices of the GDPR has just been released.

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Not GDPR Compliant – Really?

Not GDPR compliant

A colleague at another company forwarded me an email he’d received knowing that I’d get a kick out of it. It claimed to be from the UK GDPR Compliance Directory and that his company was not GDPR compliant. Of course no such directory exists and this was nothing but a ruse.

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Whatsapp Authentication Sucks

Whatsapp authentication sucks

Whatsapp Authentication sucks. It sucks really badly. I’d never thought about it before, but then I saw this tweet yesterday. A lady got a new phone number and when she set up Whatsapp, she had a load of messages on there from the previous owner of the number. 

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Luas Ransomware Incident – Offline a while now

Luas Ransomware

How did you hear about the Luas Ransomware incident? Was it on the news? Online? Facebook? Twitter? Instagram? Or did you happen to visit the website to check some fare information and get confronted by a very basic ransom demand.

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Review of my 2018 predictions.

2018 predictions

I continue not to see many people who make predictions for the coming year actually come back to review what they predicted. As I showed last year, I’m not one of those, so here is my review. I’ve included the original text below in blue, but the full article for my 2018 predictions is here.    

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Paying Ransomware may break the law

paying ransomware

Some businesses that are affected by a Ransomware incident, make a decision to pay the criminals in order to recover their data. This is usually because they believe it is more expensive to go through the recovery process. If they have poor or non-existent backups, then that may very well be the case, so they…

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Dash cam – Machina Non Grata.

dash cam banned

A dash cam is a popular Christmas present or indeed a present at any time of year. I got one earlier this year and have been having it merrily record the road ahead of my car ever since. I was doing this with the belief that the household exemption covered such recording. This is the…

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Hoax Bomb Extortion Emails Are Latest Scam

hoax bomb

In the last couple of days there are reports of hoax bomb threats being sent by e-mail. They’ve been particularly prevalent in the USA, but there is nothing to stop them spreading. They’ve targeted schools, government facilities and some businesses.

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Sextortion Scam Volume 3

sextortion scam updated

Remember the original Sextortion scam back in July? The one where they used an old password to make it look like the e-mail was plausible. This then evolved in August to add the use of partial mobile numbers. Well, it’s BAAAACKK!!! 

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Data Breaches Everywhere

data breaches everywhere

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas … has come early for the evil doers. There just seems to be a relentless tale of data breach after data breach in recent weeks and it has been really bad in the last week. 

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