Data breach video series – introduction

Data Breach introduction

Data Breach Introduction: This is the introduction to a series of short videos discussing different types of data breach under the GDPR. For more information or to contact us please visit our website and specifically our GDPR section.

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Posh POS was Compromised

POS was compromised

A headline worthy of The Register and I’m surprised they didn’t grab it. So what POS was compromised? Well none other than Saks Fifth Avenue, Saks Off Fifth and Lord & Taylor. 

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MyFitnessPal Breach – Bigger than Equifax

MyFitnessPal Breach

The MyFitnessPal online fitness and nutrition website has suffered a data breach which affects up to 150 million customers. That is a few million more than the Equifax breach. Under Armour, the website’s owner, reported the breach yesterday. 

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Does Your VPN Leak Data?

VPN leak

It’s probably not a question most people would ask when they purchase a Virtual Private Network (VPN), but maybe you should ask “Does this VPN leak data?” It’s been revealed that several VPN providers are putting your privacy at risk by leaking some data that should be kept secret. 

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Cambridge Analytica were nosey ninnies

Cambridge Analytica and Facebook

Cambridge Analytica have been rumbled. They have used Facebook data in ways that it should not have been used. By doing so, they have influenced and possibly manipulated the results of a number of elections across the world in recent years. Most notably the 2016 US Presidential Election. 

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Overwhelming attack sets new record.

Overwhelming attack

An overwhelming attack on a customer of a US service provider a few days ago has set a new record for the sheer volume of data used in the attack. 

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Is somebody else using your password?

Is somebody else using your password

Is somebody else using your password? If your password is “123456”, then absolutely yes. Nearly 21 million other accounts use that same password. But how about “Gobbledegook”? That password is actually used by at least 9 other accounts. “LiamIsANiceHelpfulCyberSecurityPerson” has not been used before – I might use it for myself. ?

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Websites compromised to generate money

generate money by cryptomining

“Wait, what?!?!?? Websites can generate money? I’ve got a website. What do I have to do to get my hands on some of that lovely cash?” Calm yourself, it’s not the website doing the money generation and you are not the beneficiary. The bad guys are! ?

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Vulnerable Cisco Firewalls

vulnerable cisco

It emerged last week that a security researcher had made a very significant discovery, which showed that popular firewalls made by Cisco had a vulnerability that was scored a perfect 10 out of 10 on the CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) scale.

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Sneaky Tax Refund e-mails

Tax refund scam

Tax refund scam e-mails are nothing new. They’ve been doing the rounds for many many years at this stage. Like the “Nigerian Prince” scams, that are enjoying a resurgence presently, the tax refund scams might catch out those who are new to the internet and may not have heard of such scams before.

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Meltdown and Spectre


You probably can’t have missed the reports about the cyber-Armageddon that are circulating today. Two very significant vulnerabilities have been found in the processor chips that are used by nearly every single computer, tablet, phone and smart toaster.

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Data Protection Policy Template

data protection policy

The GDPR requires every business to have a data protection policy, which needs to be reviewed regularly.

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Privacy Notice Requirements

Priavacy Notice

The GDPR requires a privacy notice to be Concise, transparent and written in clear and plain language.

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What will 2018 bring?

will 2018 bring

So what will 2018 bring to us all in the areas of cyber security and data privacy/protection? I had a go at this predicting thing last year and you can see how I got on here.

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Review of my 2017 predictions.

2017 Predictions

I don’t see many people who make predictions for the coming year actually come back to review what they predicted. I’m not one of those though, so here is my review. I’ve included the original text below in blue, but the full article for my 2017 predictions is here.

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